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The Pain of Submission

We writers love to write, but oh, the pain of preparing our babies for submission to agents and publishers! We have to stop being writers…
Bobbie Christmas
March 26, 2011

Publishing Missteps asked members to write of their publishing missteps, so I wrote the following and decided to share it with my other readers as well.…
Bobbie Christmas
July 30, 2009

Mid-List Woes

Yesterday I got a letter from my publisher, the only correspondence more dreaded than a rejection. It was a notice that Union Square Publishing, an…
Bobbie Christmas
April 14, 2009

What Do You Want?

"Start with the end in mind." -- Aristotle"If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up somewhere else." --Yogi BerraI love motivational quotations, even…
Bobbie Christmas
November 19, 2008