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Lifelong Learning

Once I became a senior, I discovered endless opportunities to travel, take seminars, attend lectures, and join in mini-adventures. Woodstock has two senior centers that…
Bobbie Christmas
October 1, 2014

The Errant Writer

Holy cow! I can't believe I haven't posted a word on my blog since May. Truth is, I went through an unusual phase of life,…
Bobbie Christmas
November 26, 2012

How to Get Started

Whenever I speak at a conference I tell attendees they have the lifetime privilege (I remind them that it's my lifetime, not theirs, so hurry!) of…
Bobbie Christmas
December 4, 2010

Mid-List Woes

Yesterday I got a letter from my publisher, the only correspondence more dreaded than a rejection. It was a notice that Union Square Publishing, an…
Bobbie Christmas
April 14, 2009

Sight Unseen

Dear Readers,What a eye-opening experience I had last week! Literally! I went to an exhibition called Dialog in the Dark in midtown Atlanta, and although…
Bobbie Christmas
January 11, 2009

Odd Gifts

With the holidays pressing on me, I was knocked off my feet by a stomach virus that would not go away. Day after day I…
Bobbie Christmas
December 20, 2008

The Power of a Deadline

When I speak at conferences and to writers groups I often mention the power of planning and setting deadlines, yet many people complain. They say…
Bobbie Christmas
September 30, 2008