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The Book That Changed My Life: A Tribute to Wayne Dyer

By September 1, 2015April 26th, 2018One Comment
Wayne Dyer, the world needed you. I needed you. I am sorry you left this earth this week, but you left a legacy that will never die.

I was in my late thirties when I read your first book, Your Erroneous Zones. While I can’t recall the details, it opened my eyes to the things that were wrong in my life, the reason I could not find the inner peace and happiness I wished I could feel. Your wisdom taught me that I was the only barrier to my success and happiness. No longer did I have to wait for something else to come along that made me happy; I had all the ingredients at my fingertips and in my heart. 

Once I began applying the principles I learned in your book, my relationships began to shift. Some transformed for the better; some changed for the worse. My husband complained that while he had not changed during our fourteen-year marriage, I had, and in ways he did not appreciate. Of course he did not appreciate that I no longer acceded to all his demands. No longer did I let my husband dictate every decision made in the household. Thanks to you, Wayne Dyer, I accepted that I had the right to make decisions that affected my life. I deserved to be happy. Of course my husband, who had previously been in complete control of everything in the household, did not like to see my transformation. When I look back on that era, I should have laughed, instead of suppressing anger, when my husband turned my copy of Your Erroneous Zones into a used-book store for a few dollars’ worth of credit. “You already read it,” he said. My husband bypassed passive and went straight for the aggressive. Oh, yes, he knew where my new strength and courage came from. It came from your wisdom, Wayne Dyer.  

Divorce eventually became inevitable, and it turned out to be one of the best things that could happen. At last I was free to pursue my own interests, make my own friends, and even find my own spirituality.  

How interesting that at the same time I began exploring and discovering my own spirituality and beliefs, you, Wayne Dyer, did the same, and again you wrote books that spoke to me and gave me even greater insights. Your meditations became my meditations.  

I felt greatly honored to have seen you speak. I walked up to you afterward and introduced myself. I was just another person among your minions, but I was so excited to meet you that I forgot to take a picture of you, even though I’d been careful to bring a camera. 

Wayne Dyer, you are over the rainbow now, on to your next adventure, and wherever you are, I know you will have a blast. Back here on earth your legacy—your many books and recordings—will continue to enlighten, empower, and free millions of people.  

Way to go, Wayne!
Bobbie Christmas

Editor Bobbie Christmas is your book doctor. She can also be your mentor, ghostwriter, copywriter, and writing and publishing consultant. After spending decades writing and editing for a living, Bobbie became a much-sought-after seminar and workshop leader. She began Zebra Communications in 1992 in Atlanta, Georgia, to provide professional editing services to publishers and to writers like you.

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